If there is an item you don’t see on our price list, please contact a sales rep for more information.

Photos are not representative of current stock. Some items on the price list may be out of stock. Please call or email for availability questions.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


  1. Elaeagnus 'Olive Martini' - #2/#3 $21.00

  2. Elaeagnus - #10 $70.00

  3. Elaeagnus - #3 $13.00

  4. Elaeagnus - #7 $32.00

  5. Elaeagnus, Espalier - #15 $175.00

  6. Elephant Ears - #1 $8.50

  7. Elephant Ears - #3 $26.00

  8. Elephant Ears - #7 $65.00

  9. Elm, Cedar - #30 $245.00

  10. Elm, Cedar - #45 $495.00

  11. Elm, Cedar - #65 $675.00

  12. Elm, Cedar - 3" $360.00

  13. Elm, Cedar - 4" $475.00

  14. Elm, Lacebark - #30 $325.00

  15. Elm, Lacebark - #45 $495.00

  16. Elm, Lacebark - 3” $425.00

  17. Elm, Lacebark - 4" $475.00

  18. Elm, Lacebark ‘Allee’ - 3” $340.00

  19. Erysimum (Wall Flower) - 18ct $16.00

  20. Esperanza (Tecoma stans) - #1 $9.00

  21. Esperanza (Tecoma stans) - #2/#3 $20.00

  22. Esperanza (Tecoma stans) - #5 $16.00

  23. Euonymus coloratus (Purple Wintercreeper) - #1 $3.05

  24. Euonymus coloratus (Purple Wintercreeper) - 18ct $19.50

  25. Euonymus, Boxleaf - #5 $16.75

  26. Euonymus, Golden - #1 $9.00

  27. Euonymus, Golden - #3/#5 $21.00

  28. Euonymus, Manhattan - #5 $19.00

  29. Euphorbia - #1 $7.50

  30. Euphorbia - #3 $28.00

  31. Euphorbia - #5 $57.50

  32. Euryops (Cape Daisy) - #1 $7.00

  33. Eve's Necklace - #10/#15 $125.00

  34. Eve's Necklace - #30 $365.00

  35. Expanded Shale - 40 lb. bag (70/pallet) $6.50